Nigerians abroad to Tinubu: We need consulate office in Chicago.

After enduring many years of stress, traveling far distance in order to complete documentations for activities to be carried out in their fatherland, thousands of Nigerians residing abroad have demanding that the President Bola Tinubu-led Federal Government immediately establish a consulate office in Chicago, Illinois, United State, to put a stop to these unending challenges.

They added that the creation of a consulate office in Chicago would serve both thousands of Nigerians doing business in the city and their neighbours that often travel far distance to access services provided by the nation’s embassy office in United States.

According to them, many Nigerians trade in Chicago considering that it is a vital hub for business, tourism, and culture and the establishment of such office would aid foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to the country.

Nigerians, who are under the aegis of Tinubu Presidential Forum (TPF) Diaspora, argued that if the apex government had made this move many months before now, the act would have helped to transform lives of countless Nigerians in Chicago and other neighbouring states as well as boost the country’s economy.

They urged the President to consider this demand as priority after taking over the country’s mantle of leadership from his predecessor, President Muhammadu Buhari.

The General Coordinator, TPF Diaspora, Alh. Olatunji Quadri, who spoke on behalf of the group, stressed that the Buhari administration and previous governments refusal to secure a safe location and setup a Consulate office has denied many Nigerians in Chicago and others residing in cities within the region several opportunities.

“At its core, the issue of consular access is a fundamental human right. All people have the right to access consular services in a timely and effective manner. Yet, for Nigerians in Chicago, that right has been denied.

“This denial by the Federal Government has created significant barriers, making it difficult for people to travel, do business, and even access vital documentation”, he added.

Quadri argued that having a Nigerian consulate in Chicago cannot be overstated, particularly in a city with rich history of international trade and tourism.

According to him, the establishment of a Nigerian consulate in Chicago would be a game-changer because it would provide the much-needed resource for Nigerians living in the city, as well as for visitors who come for business, tourism and others.

The coordinator stressed that having easy access to passport and visa services, document certification, and other key consular services would facilitate business between both countries and reduce unemployment in Nigeria.

“It is crucial that the Tinubu-led administration ensure that Nigerian-Americans are given the support they need to succeed. The establishment of a consulate in Chicago would be a powerful symbol of that commitment”.

Meanwhile, he urged Nigerians in the country and abroad to support their agitation, compelling the Federal Government to address their demands immediately.

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