FG commends Nigeria-Germany diplomatic relations

The Federal Government declared on Thursday in Abuja that existing cordial relationship between Nigeria and the Federal Republic of Germany would boost sustainable economic development.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Budget and National Planning, Mr Nebeolisa Anako, made the declaration when the German Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development, Ms Svenja Schulze visited the ministry.

“This visit is an opportunity to discuss and exchange views on future bilateral cooperation and provide the forum for a coordinated approach to enhance economic cooperation between our two countries.

“I am delighted to note that the priority areas in which the German government is currently supporting Nigeria are well aligned with our National Development Plan (NDP 2021-2025),’’ Anako said.

He listed some of the priority areas as sustainable economic development, training and employment, transformation of agric-food systems, climate and energy, peace building and conflict prevention.

He added that the NDP contained policy actions designed to unlock potentials in all sectors of the Nigerian economy for sustainable, holistic and inclusive national development.

“The NDP also serves as a guide to all our development partners,’’ he stressed.

In her response, Schulze commended the Nigerian government for its role in sustaining bilateral relations with Germany and pledged her country’s continuous support for Nigeria in all possible areas.

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