Fasoranti desires a united, strong Afenifere —Mimiko

FORMER governor of Ondo State, Dr Olusegun Mimiko, yesterday, expressed optimism that the composition of a peace and unity committee will address the drift in the pan-Yoruba socio-political organisation, Afenifere.

Mimiko, who is a member of the committee, in a chat with newsmen, explained that the core mandate of the Afenifere, which is pushing for the interest of the Yoruba nation, remains their focus.

Recall that during the group meeting at his country home, Pa Reuben Fasoranti expressed sadness over the drift within the group and called for urgent restoration to steer it away from the current trajectory.

But assuring that the members of the committee would move around and work hard to deliver on the assignment given to them by Fasoranti, Mimiko said: “Pa Reuben Fasoranti desires to see the organization united and strong in his lifetime.

“Pa Fasoranti has decided to constitute a committee that would look into how to unite all Yoruba leaders and members of the organization to reposition the group to achieve its aims and objectives.

“We cannot run away from the fact that there has been some misunderstanding within the organisation.

“Baba, who is the leader of the group, in his wisdom, has decided to set up a committee to ensure that Afenifere remains united and for us to get committed to our core mandate which has been the vanguard interest of the Yoruba people.

“I think it is a good thing, it  says a lot about the wisdom and humility of Baba Fasoranti. We are excited about his position.”

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